2022 News


Facing the future – the Church of England and you.

The churches on the Roseland will be going through a process of change in the next few months partly to meet the needs of the modern world but also to recognise that there are huge financial constraints and few clergy available to continue as before. This process is called “On the way”. You can find out more at https://trurodiocese.org.uk/about-us/on-the-way/

Different people expect different things from the church and all views will be welcomed, whether you attend church services regularly or not. There are no pre-determined plans. This is a real opportunity for views, concerns, and expectations to be heard before draft plans for the whole of Powder Deanery, (covering The Roseland, the Probus Team, and Parishes in the Truro area), are drawn up, following which there will be further consultation with all of the parishes.

The following February parish consultations have been arranged, to be held in parish churches unless stated.


On the Way Meeting 15th February 2022

The meeting held in St Rumon’s church was attended by 22 parishioners, with a varied age range, including a young child.

Claire Burgess and Simon Taurens from the “On the Way” team were introduced by one of the churchwardens.  Proceedings were opened with a prayer and after a while it was suggested that people went into small groups, however the parishioners did not want this.  The meeting then continued with people asking questions for over an hour.

The overwhelming opinion was that the church should remain open for all.  Suggestions were made on various subjects, which will be discussed at our next PCC meeting in March.

The churchwardens and PCC were also thanked for all they are doing, even though they are a very small team.  Thanks were also given to father Doug Robins for all he has been doing for our church.

In the meantime, we are already looking at some of the suggestions from the 18 letters that had been previously received in response to the flyer that went out to all parishioners, earlier in the month.

A summary of the letters received with comments, a letter highlighting the concerns of provision of priests on the Roseland, an analysis of attendance for services over the last five years and an analysis of visitors over the last five years, together with supporting documents, was given to the team.

A big thank you to all those who took the time to write letters or turned up for the meeting.

We are listening.

St Rumon’s Churchwardens


On the way

At a recent meeting of representatives from each church on the Roseland, the below was agreed.

1. Each church will have a go at producing a couple of paragraphs to outline what is wonderful about their church and provide some pictures.

2. Some of the ‘common’ information about the whole Mission Area – for example schools in your area, nursing homes, social action projects you take part in etc etc, will be collated together in a section about education, a section about our social action projects etc etc. We will add this to some statistics data gathered at Church House.

3. There will be a section outlining ways in which we already work together across the benefice – joint activities between the churches.

4. The decision on where the house for the Oversight Minister and the church they will be a Focal Minister in, will be decided by the Rural Dean and Archdeacon. Any church is able to submit a representation to Marc Baker by the 26th July. He will then work with the housing department in the diocese to confirm which of the houses suggested are available to us. The criteria will be what they feel on balance is best for the growth of the Kingdom of God. There is obviously no right decision and each location has it’s own merits.

5. The aims and vision for the Roseland Mission Area and the Oversight Minister will be taken from the On The Way plan and added to the profile. The person specification will be important.


Death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The church is open for people to come in for private prayer and reflection. There is also a book of condolence for people to leave comments in.

Rest in Peace your Majesty

There will be an extra Evensong service on this Sunday 11th September at 6 pm where we will be remembering Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

All welcome