Donations can be made in several ways and all go to help keep the church open
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Parish Giving Scheme
As a church with a small congregation, all donations to the church go a long way in keeping the church open. We understand that, not everyone wants to attend church on a regular basis but would like to support us.
PGS provides simple and secure ways for every generation to donate to their church with confidence; online, by phone, or by posting a giving form.
For more information on joining the scheme, please go to the Parish Giving Website.
Thank you.
Leave a Legacy
A gift in your Will can go a long way to keep our church open and well maintained. You can specify whether you want your legacy to go for straightforward general use, for the maintenance of the fabric of the building or whatever you want, for example; the purchase of new prayer books,upkeep of the churchyard or a bench to go in the churchyard.
Whatever you leave will be much appreciated.
We strongly advise you see a solicitor when writing or amending your Will.