Oversight Minister Appointed
The Bishop of Truro, the Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen is pleased to announce that the Revd Douglas Peter Wren, at present Rector in the Speldhurst with Groombridge and Ashurst Benefice in the Diocese of Rochester, is to be Oversight Minister for the Roseland Powder Deanery in the Diocese of Truro. He will be licensed as Priest in Charge in the Benefice of Tregony with St Cuby and Cornelly and as Assistant Curate (to be known locally as Associate Minister) in the Benefices of St Just-in-Roseland with St Mawes, Gerrans with St Anthony-in-Roseland and Philleigh and Veryan with Ruanlanihorne in the Diocese of Truro at a place and on a date to be arranged. This is conditional on legal formalities being completed.

My name is Douglas, and I am really looking forward
to getting to know the people of the Roseland.
At the moment I live in the village of Speldhurst and
am the Rector of three communities to the southwest of Tunbridge Wells, Kent. I’m also the Rural
Dean. I’m married to Mary who coaches teachers who
are training for senior leadership in Church of England
schools. We have two grown up children and a sixmonth-old puppy called Pip, who is quite a handful.
Do please pray for us in this time of transition as we have been here
over twenty years and it will be a wrench to leave. I shall be praying for
you that we can find creative and fun ways to grow God’s Kingdom
On the 8th May we will be holding a Coronation Tea in the Reading Room from 3 until 5. Why not come along and join us for a sandwich, piece of cake or some other delightful snack, washed down by a cup of tea or coffee.
Concert 9th September at 7 pm is CANCELLED due to unforeseen circumstances.
The Roseland and Indian Queens Community Choir will be performing various songs. There will be light refreshments.
Entry £7 on the door
Please join us for an enjoyable evening.
Please join us for our Harvest Festival on the 8th October at 6 pm.

Throughout the week 1st October to the 8th October there will be a table in the church for donations of food for Truro Food Bank. Please drop off something or bring it along to the service.
Every little bit helps.

This year we will be holding a Remembrance Service in the church. Please come along on Sunday 12th November at 10.45 am.
If you would like to lay a wreath, please bring it along with you.
Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011
Draft Pastoral Scheme
The Truro Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee has prepared a draft Pastoral Scheme for: The union of the four benefices of St Just-in-Roseland and St Mawes; Gerrans with St Anthony-in-Roseland and Philleigh; Tregony with St Cuby and Cornelly; and Veryan with Ruan Lanihorne (their constituent parishes to remain distinct) in the diocese of Truro and for the establishment of a team ministry for the Roseland Benefice. It also provides for the cure of souls in the new benefice to be shared by a team rector and one team vicar, for the appointment of the team rector, for the housing arrangements for the team and for the future patronage arrangements for the new benefice.
A copy of the draft Scheme may be inspected at the following churches and licensed places of worship
- St Just in Roseland – St Just church & St Mawes church
- Gerrans w St Anthony in Roseland – St Gerrans church & St Anthony in Roseland church
- Philleigh – St Philleigh church
- Tregony w St Cuby & Cornelly – St Cuby church & St Cornelius church
- Veryan – St Symphorian church & All Saints, Portloe
- Ruan Lanihorne – St Rumon church
You may also access the draft Scheme on the Commissioners’ website at www.ccpastoral.org or obtain or inspect a copy during normal office hours by applying to me. Large print and/or audio copies are available on request.
Anyone may make representations to the Church Commissioners for or against all or any part or parts of the draft Scheme (please include the reasons for your views) in writing or by email to reach them no later than 18 December 2023.
Please send your representation marked for the attention of:
Rex Andrew, Pastoral Division, Church Commissioners, Church House, Great Smith Street, LONDON SW1P 3AZ (email: rex.andrew@churchofengland.org)
If they have not acknowledged receipt of your representation before this date, please ring 020 7898 1743 or e-mail them to ensure it has been received. For administrative purposes, a petition will be classed as a single representation and the Commissioners will only correspond with the sender of the petition, if known, or otherwise the first signatory – “the primary petitioner”.
When making a representation, please also indicate the nature of your interest in the proposals (e.g. parishioner, member of parochial church council, etc) and whether you would like an opportunity to speak to the Committee regarding your representation if the Commissioners decide a hearing should be held regarding the case.
If the Commissioners receive representations against the draft Scheme, they will send them, and any representations supporting the draft Scheme, to the Bishop whose views will be sought. Individual representors and the primary petitioner will then receive copies of the correspondence with the Bishop (including copies of all the representations) and will be told whether a hearing is to be held. They and individual petitioners may comment further to the Commissioners. Copies of all of the representations received and associated correspondence will be published on the Commissioners’ website if the matter
needs to be considered by the Commissioners.
If a hearing is held, anyone may attend the meeting of the Mission and Pastoral Committee that considers the case and representors may have an opportunity to speak to the Committee. Otherwise the case will be considered in private.
When the Commissioners acknowledge representations they will let individual representors (and the primary petitioner) know the next few dates of the Committee’s meetings. They will confirm the actual date if a hearing is to be held nearer the time.
The Commissioners’ Mission and Pastoral Committee will decide if the draft Scheme should proceed when it considers all the representations on the basis of a paper prepared by the Commissioners’ staff and any points raised at the meeting.
The Commissioners will notify all representors of their decision and give a statement of the reasons for it.
If they so decide the Scheme should proceed, any representor or petitioner against the draft Scheme may seek leave from the Privy Council to appeal against the decision.
Please see: www.ccpastoral.org for further information about the procedure
Revd Canon Simon Cade – Secretary to Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee 2 November 2023
Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols – 17th December 2023
Thank you to everyone that came last night, it was a very enjoyable evening. It was lovely to see so many people staying after the service for mulled wine, cake and a chat.
The collection for the night, £180, is going to the NSPCC.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.