2017 News


Benefice Update
The vicarage has been sold and an offer made by the Diocese on a bungalow which, although it will need some modifications to
make it suitable for a clergy house, will provide the accommodation essential for a ‘house-for-duty’ priest.
This progress means that the post can now be advertised – on the national and Diocesan church websites and in the ‘Church Times’ – and, as the Archdeacon commented, ‘we only need one applicant, if it’s the right one!’
Your PCCs have done their best to produce a ‘Statement of Needs’ which reflects all our wishes and concerns, and it’s up to others now to answer our hopes and prayers that we shall sometime this year once again have
a priest to care for the spiritual needs of our two parishes.

At our Communion service on 5 February we will be remembering
Private Henry Dingle who died on 7 February 1917 at the age of 34 from
wounds that he received at Ancre.
Henry was the seventh son of William and Catherine Dingle of Ruan Highlanes. He served in the 10th Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry. The 10th were Pioneers and their task was mainly to maintain
communications and defences in forward areas, very often under fire.


A service of meditation for Good Friday will be held in the church on
14th April at 12 noon.
The Easter Vestry Meeting and Annual Parochial Church Council meeting will be held in the church on 18th April at 7.30 pm.
All persons whose names are on the church electoral roll are entitled to
attend and take part in the proceedings.


We began our Easter celebrations on Good Friday with the service of Meditation and Veneration of the Cross. This was a very moving service, especially the readings from Isaiah and Hebrews, reminding us
of the great sacrifice made by Our Lord. We were thankful to the Revd. Roger Nicholls for taking the service.
On Easter Day we welcomed Father Doug back to take our Easter
The Parochial Church Council met on the 18th April for the Easter Vestry
Meeting. Mrs .Pat Farr and Mr. David Hughes were re-elected
Churchwardens. The Archdeacon’s Visitation will take place on the 23rd
May at 7.30pm at All Saints, Falmouth.
This meeting was followed by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. The Treasurer produced the Annual Accounts which had been agreed by the PCC on the 21st February 2017. Mrs Caroline Martin agreed to be our representative on the Deanery Synod and Mr David Hughes agreed to
continue as Safe Guarding Officer. Both meetings were chaired by the Rural Dean, the Revd. Ken Boullier.

At our recent Matins service this announcement was read to the congregation.

“The Bishop of Truro, the Rt Revd Tim Thornton, is pleased to announce the appointment of the Revd Philip Greenhalgh (currently Rector of Bewcastle, Stapleton and Kirklinton with Hethersgill in the Diocese of Carlisle) to be Priest-in-charge (house for duty) of the benefice of Veryan with Ruanlanihorne (Diocese of Truro). A service of Licensing will be announced shortly.”

We look forward to welcoming the Revd Greenhalgh to our parish. It has subsequently been announced that the Licensing will be held on Monday 2 October in Veryan Church.


As many of you will be aware we have had scaffolding up in the nave of the church so that the water damaged ceiling panels could be replaced and the beams treated. The contractors were under strict instructions that the scaffolding had to be removed by the end of June as we had a wedding on the 1st July. All credit to them they completed the work in good time and      Carol and Anna were able to give the church a thorough clean. With new carpet laid in the aisle and the vestry the church was looking its best for the day of the wedding.

We were pleased that Catherine and William chose to celebrate their marriage at St. Rumon’s and we wish them God’s blessings in their life together.

Our Annual Cream Tea afternoon on Saturday 29th July at Glebe House was very well supported, despite the rainy weather. Tables were set up indoors which resulted in a very convivial afternoon. We raised £356.70 for church funds. Many thanks to Caroline and Philip Martin for hosting the event.


On Friday evening 18th August, the Roseland Community Choir was joined by Indian Queens Community Choir. Unfortunately the choir out numbered the audience by three to one but a very enjoyable evening was had by all. They did a number of well known songs with a break halfway through for wine and nibbles.  £157.00 was raised.

The St. Rumon’s Patronal Festival Evensong on the 24th August was poorly attended there being just three in the congregation. The service was taken by the Archdeacon, the Very Reverend Bill Stuart- White, who gave a thought provoking sermon on the question that Jesus puts to his disciples ‘Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?’


Please come and join us for our Harvest Festival which will be taken by Rev. Ken Boullier.
We will be decorating the church at 10 am on the 23rd and any help would be appreciated.

The church was beautifully decorated for the Harvest Festival with flowers, fruit and vegetables.
The service taken by the Reverend Ken Boullier was started off with the well known hymn “We plough the fields and scatter.”  The sermon referred to the plight of refugees and asked the congregation what they would most miss if they had to leave their homes in a hurry.  This was very thought provoking.
After the service many people stayed for refreshments and a chat.  A lovely evening was had by all.


Licensing Service 2nd October 2017      7.30 p.m.

Please come along to the licensing service of Reverend Philip Greenhalgh to the benefice of Veryan (with Portloe) and Ruan Lanihorne.  This is a great opportunity to meet your new priest.  His first service at Ruan will be Matins on the 15th October.

Remembering Private Edwin Little

In this month we will be remembering Private Edwin Little, service number 202147 of the 6th Battalion Royal Berkshire Regiment, who was killed in action on the 12th October 1917, at the age of 21.  At the time of his death his battalion was attached to the 53rd Brigade, 18th (Eastern) Division, who were involved in the Battle of Passchendaele.  He has no headstone but is named on the Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium and is on the War Memorial in Ruan Church.  He received the Victory and British Medals.

Edwin was the only son of Richard Edwin & Eliza Ann Little of Tresemple, St Clement, Truro.  The Little family for over 20 years lived at Ruan High Lanes.  In 1911 Edwin was a boarder at Truro Wesleyan College.


Join us for our service of Nine Lessons and Carols on the 17th December at 6 p.m.  We will be singing nine well known Christmas carols.  Some will be accompanied by the keyboard or guitar.  After the service, stop for a while, have a chat, mince pie, coffee or a glass of mulled wine.

Please note that there will not be a service of Matins on this day.

We will be decorating the church on Saturday 16th from 10 a.m.
Donations of flowers and greenery, and help, will be much appreciated.

Thank you to everyone that came to the Carol Service. It was a very enjoyable evening and the mulled wine at the end to warm up with was most welcome. The collection raised £145 for The Children’s Society.

Thank You

The PCC and churchwardens would like to say a big thank you to all those that have helped decorate or clean the church, mow the grass in the churchyard or strim around the headstones, throughout the year. We very much appreciate what you all do to help keep our church and churchyard looking beautiful.

We would also like to thank all those that have supported the church by attending the various fund raising events throughout the year. Without your support we could not continue to maintain and keep the church open.