On Friday 4 December churchwardens and members of PCCs of Ruanlanihorne and Veryan churches and Portloe Policy Committee met Bishop Tim at Portloe church for an informal discussion on the future of our respective churches when Father Doug retires in late 2016.
When asked if we would be having an interregnum, the Bishop said that probably the Rector of St Just, Canon Ken Boullier, would become Priest in Charge for the whole of the cluster, being supported by priests and lay readers who would help to cover services. It would seem that we can forget having a priest who will be responsible solely for the churches in our benefice, thereby losing the personal touch.
We were the treated to a marvellous supper prepared by Father Doug. It was pleasant to meet members of the other two churches and to hear their views on our future.
Thank you to everyone who helped to clean and decorate the church for our Nine Lessons and Carols service on 13 December. The service was well attended with people coming from Philleigh, Portscatho and Tregony to join us. We would also like to thank the Roseland Churches’ Choir for their splendid singing, which all helped to make this a very special beginning to the Christmas season.
The repairs to the roof are nearing completion. The next step will be the repairing of the ceilings in the nave and north aisle. We are also hoping to do some restoration work to some of the tombs in the churchyard, especially the vaulted Luke tomb.
Thinking of something to write for the March magazine, it came as a shock to realise that Easter is only a few weeks away.
Our Easter services will be listed elsewhere, but I would like to remind all those willing to help that we shall be decorating the church for Easter Day on Saturday 26 March from 10 am. Hope to see you there!
Vestry Meeting and Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held on 12 April at 7 pm in the vestry. At these meetings churchwardens and members of the Parochial Church Council are elected for the coming year.
The treasurer presents the annual accounts, and the vicar and churchwardens report on the business of the parish during the past year.
Any member of the parish may attend the vestry meeting to vote on proceedings, but only persons on the church electoral roll may attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.
Friday 17 June, 7.30 pm
‘The Lemonaires’
male choir
Tickets £10
Reserve your seat –
contact Pat Farr
501599 or
Light refreshments
On 12 April the Easter Vestry and Annual Parochial Church meetings were held.
Pat Farr and David Hughes agreed to continue as churchwardens and the PCC was re-elected en bloc.
The churchwardens reported that the congregation numbers remained steady at an average of eight persons, and that Festival services were
well supported by other parishioners.
Father Doug outlined the future of the benefice after his retirement in
At a wedding last year the “Lemonaires”, a Cornish Male Choir, performed. We were so impressed that we have invite them to give a
concert in the church on 17 June at 7.30 pm.
There will not be a service of Communion on Sunday 5 June as Father Doug’s farewell service is being held at Veryan at 11 am
Sadly we had to cancel the planned choir concert last month
because of lack of support , but this month we’re hoping for a
goodly number to come to our Annual Cream Tea fund-raising afternoon
on 30 July from 2.30 pm in the garden of Glebe House, Ruan
Lanihorne, by kind permission of Mr & Mrs Martin. If the weather is
inclement we shall adjourn to the Reading
Donations of items for the raffle will be gratefully accepted.
The Roseland Community Choir will be making a return visit to us on 19 August for another concert: it begins at 7.30 pm and entrance is £5 on the door.On Sunday 28 August we will be celebrating our patronal festival with Evensong at 6pm: our Rural Dean, Canon Ken Boullier, will take the service. We have secured a faculty to restore several tombs in the churchyard, including the barrel tomb of the Luke family. Work is scheduled to begin early this month.Repairs to the church roof have been completed, apart from the replacement of some damaged panels in the nave and north aisle.
We were lucky to have a lovely sunny afternoon for our Cream Tea Garden
Party at Glebe House on 30 July.
It was well supported and it was good to see everyone enjoying the afternoon. We raised over £330 for the Church.
Many thanks to Caroline and Philip for hosting the event.
On 25 September at 6 pm we will be holding our Harvest festival Evensong
when the Rural Dean, Canon Ken Boullier, will be taking the service.
We will be decorating the church on Saturday 24th and all help will be welcomed.
On 8 October we are holding a Table Top Sale and Coffee Morning in the
Reading Room from 10.30 am. Anyone who would like to have a ‘table’,
please contact Pat Farr on 501599 for details.
The concert by the Roseland Community Choir was very well supported
and raised £217 for church funds.
Don’t forget the Table Top Sale and Coffee Morning on 8 October
in the Reading Room from 10.30 am. Anyone who would like to have a
‘table’ at the sale, please contact Pat Farr [501599]
for details.
Coffee Morning. This had originally been going to be a table top sale as well but with a lack of interest, it was decided to go ahead with just the coffee morning.
At 10.30 we opened our doors and a slow trickle of people came in. By 11.30 we had a roomful, our numbers being considerably increased by Joy Evans and her family who were celebrating her 90th birthday. Happy birthday Joy.
The Raffle was drawn and prizes were scattered throughout the room.
A very pleasant morning of chatting, drinking tea and coffee, eating biscuits, was had by all.
Thank you to all who came and supported us or helped throughout the morning.
Today we remember those that died in WWI and WWII.
Thomas Dingle
Henry Dingle
Edwin Little
Reginald John James Buckingham
Hedley James Garfield Perry
Harold Conbeer
Clifford Stephens Pedlar
They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
We also remember those that fought in both wars but came back home.
Also we remember those that have given their lives in more recent conflicts.
Our Harvest Festival Evensong on the 25th September was well
attended. Thank you to all the ladies who helped to decorate the church
for the service on the previous Saturday. And also thanks to Rev. Ken
Boullier who took the service and gave a very thoughtful sermon.
On Saturday the 8th October we held a Coffee Morning in the Reading
Room. It was an enjoyable event and raised £103.84 for church
‘PARISH NEWS’ – new style
A message from the editor
Well, this is the last year for ‘Parish News’ in its present format and frequency of publication. The one potential co-editor, though enthusiastic and getting to grips with ‘Publisher’, is now likely to move away from Cornwall.
I am happy to continue to produce issues in the current format, but in alternate months, [six issues a
year instead of twelve]. The remaining six months will have a two-sided A4 news sheet which will carry notices, rotas, reading lists, the diary of events, and maybe tide tables. The bonus is of course that this can be produced quite cheaply, and we can even email it to you rather than deliver a paper copy if that’s acceptable.
It could of course be produced as a Word document by anyone willing to take it on! It will have the same layout each time so it’s only a case of typing in new information every couple of months….
It’s likely that the cover price of the main magazine will rise to £1, but it will still contain the same
number of pages and variety of contents.
The subscription form will be in the December magazine as usual, and thank you to all our readers for your support and comments!
Advertising manager .
After many years of extraordinary skill in attracting advertisers [and extracting their money!] Pat Raine has decided that it’s time to retire.
Much to our delight Sue Day has agreed to take on this task. It remains for us to thank Pat for her
wonderful work over the years and to welcome Sue to the fold.
Although the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols has been made famous by the choir of Kings College, Cambridge it is here in Cornwall that the first Festival was held on the 24th December 1880 at the instigation of the then Bishop of Truro, the Right Revd Edward Benson. It was held in a temporary wooden structure as the Cathedral was still being built. Over 400 people attended.
So it is with pride that we at St Rumon’s carry on this tradition. This year the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols will be held on the 11th December at 6pm. We are pleased that our former priest, Father Douglas Robins will be taking the service and that we will be joined by the Roseland Churches’ Choir.
We hope that you will come, to listen to the Christmas story and join in the singing of our favourite carols.
Decorating the church for the service will take place on Saturday 10th from 10 a.m. onwards. All help will be very welcome as will donations of flowers and greenery.
Carol Service. What a wonderful evening! The church was almost full, it was beautifully decorated inside and illuminated outside.
The Roseland Churches Choir did four well rehearsed songs, while the congregation sang along to the well known Carols. The first eight lessons were read by parishioners, with the final one being read by Canon Doug Robins.
At the end of the service everyone was invited to have a hot drink, mince pie or biscuit, which many did combining it with a chat. The hot drink was most welcome as the temperature outside had dropped considerably and it was pretty cold inside as well.
A big thank you to those that helped decorate and clean the church, many people commented on how good it looked.
Thank you to everyone who attended and we look forward to seeing you next year.
Help Needed
Due to the retirement of some of our long serving volunteers, we need help with the cleaning and flower arranging in the church. At the moment we have three teams of two but would like to increase this back to four.
If you could spare an hour or so every two months to help, it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact the churchwardens if you can help. Thank you.
Thank You
The PCC and churchwardens would like to say a big thank you to all those that have helped decorate or clean the church, mow the grass in the churchyard or strim around the headstones, throughout the year. We very much appreciate what you all do to help keep our church and churchyard looking beautiful.
We would also like to thank all those that have supported the church by attending the various fund raising events throughout the year. Without your support we could not continue to maintain and keep the church open.
To our regular congregation, God bless and see you in the New Year.
We wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.